Packaging errors

First of all, linen, clothes, shoes, books are packed, and only after that you should deal with fragile things and utensils. And last but not least, you should prepare the vacant furniture and appliances for moving to a new apartment.

Especially valuable and important things for a person, such as money, documents, jewelry, it is best to put in a personal bag and always keep it in your hands or your car. And, of course, when moving to another apartment, a first-aid kit should always be at hand.

Lacquers, paints, solvents and other flammable substances are packed separately from everything else.

We think that no one should say that products and household chemicals should never be packed in one box. But still, we repeat just in case, otherwise you never know what … So that your home library does not suffer, keep it separate from boxes of paints and oils, then you will have something to do in your new apartment. Fragile and sharp items should also be packed separately.

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